
又有素人歌手在網路竄紅!綽號「阿福」的鄧福如,因翻唱美國歌手BOB與BRUNO MARS(布魯諾火星人)的「Nothing on You」,清新嗓音受網友推崇,短短半年Youtube個人頻道累計突破一千兩百萬點閱率,連葛萊美最佳流行女歌手梅西葛蕾及英國美聲天王羅素華生來台開唱,都試圖打探合作可能性,美聲倍受矚目。年僅二十三歲的阿福,去年剛從世新大學畢業,未受過正規音樂教育,一年內學會合音技巧,不但成為張清芳小巨蛋演唱會合聲歌手,還一手包辦專輯合音。阿福受父母影響,從小聽鄧麗君的歌曲長大,還曾以「小城故事」報名歌唱比賽。因為媽媽堅持女孩子要注重儀態,阿福從小看李艷秋的「每日一字」練習咬字發音,唱中文歌時尾音常不自覺捲舌,在Youtube上還曾被誤為中國歌手。


等待發片的同時,阿福將練習的翻唱作品放上網路,第一首翻唱歌曲「Nothing on You」一周突破百萬點閱率,就連翻唱周杰倫的「青花瓷」,點閱率也是迅速破百萬。網友形容阿福的聲音是「福」音傳腦,聽了還會一直想再聽,還有人說她的嗓音是王菲加周蕙的綜合體。


新專輯「原來如此」阿福以全新都市節奏(Urban beat)征服樂迷,上周在博客來網路預購短短一天就衝上冠軍,限量兩千五百張被一掃而空,暴紅氣勢延續攻占本周排行榜單。

不知多少年沒聽到如此心動的聲音,阿福的聲音令人驚艷,第一次讓我有預購CD的念頭, 更多好歌請自行上youtube點閱afuuu666的頻道。

B.o.B feat. Bruno Mars - Nothing on you - Cover by 阿福

原版歌詞:B.o.B Feat. Bruno Mars -  Nothin' On You(誰都比不上你)

Beautiful girls all over the world, I could be chasing   (全世界的美女那麼多 我都可以去追

But my time would be wasted, they got nothing on you, baby  (不過那只會浪費我的時間 因為對我來說 她們根本不算什麼 親愛的

Nothing on you, baby  (沒有人比得上妳 親愛的

They might say hi, and I might say hey  (她們可能跟我打個招呼 我也會回應一聲

But you shouldn't worry, about what they say  (妳實在不必擔心 她們跟我說了些什麼

Cuz they got nothing on you, baby (Yeah)   (因為她們都比不上妳啊 親愛的(真的)

Nothing on you, baby (N-n-n-nothing on you baby, n-nothing on you)  (沒人比得上妳 親愛的(誰都比不上妳 親愛的)

[Verse 1- B.o.B]
I know you feel where I'm coming from  (我知道妳看得出 我是什麼樣的人

Regardless of the things in my past that I've done  (不管過去我做過什麼荒唐事

Most of it really was for the hell of the fun  (大都只是玩玩罷了

On a carousel, so around I spun  (就像坐旋轉木馬 我玩得團團轉

With no direction, just tryna get some  (沒有任何方向 抓住什麼就玩

Tryna chase skirts, living in the summer sun  (到處把妹 享樂快活

And so I lost more than I had ever won  (所以 我失去的遠比我得到的更多

And honestly, I ended up with none  (老實說 到頭來我一無所有

It's so much nonsense, it's on my conscience  (做過太多愚蠢的事 我捫心自問

I'm thinking "maybe I should get it out"  (我想 "也許我該將它拋開"

And I don't wanna sound redundant  (我不想讓它聽起來像是一句廢話

But I was wondering, if there was something that you wanna know  (不過我曾想過 有沒有哪些事是妳想知道的

But never mind that, we should let it go  (不過那都不重要 把它給忘了吧

Cause we don't wanna be a t.v. episode  (因為我們不想搞得像在演連續劇

And all the bad thoughts, just let em go, go, go  (讓那些負面的思緒通通遠離 把它們全忘了吧

Hands down, there will never be another one (nope)   (聽說接下來 你還會有其他的女人 (沒有)

I've been around, and I've never seen another one (never)   (我看了一下 好像真的沒有呢 (絕對沒有)

Because your style, I 'aint really got nothin' on (nothing)   (因為你的風度翩翩 真的沒人比得上你 (誰都比不上)

And you wild when you 'aint got nothin' on? (haha)   (所以 你就可以任性狂野? (嘿啊)

Baby you the whole package   (親愛的 妳實在太完美了

Plus you pay your taxes   (品德高尚 內外兼修

And you keep it real, while them others stay plastic  (當其他人還在矯柔做作 而妳仍保有赤子之心

You're my Wonder Woman, call me Mr. Fantastic  (妳是我的神力女超人 叫我神奇先生

Stop- now think about it   (嘿~好好考慮一下唄




ME & U

You're my everything
and I need you to know
I just can't waiting for the moment
and I love you so
oh baby,
You're my everything
but I need you to know
I will be giving you my promise
and I to do so
why I loving you loving you all day
and all night I just want see your face
tell me what should I do to loving you
tell me what can I do to meeting you
Me and you
turn round and what can we do
me and you
I will love you
Oh, baby, baby, please don't go
I just wanna let you know
you are my lover never never end
so beauty you are how I can see
Oh, baby, baby, please don't go
I just wanna let you know
you are my lover never never end
so beauty you are how I can see
when I love you, loving you all day
and all night I just wanna see your face
tell me what should I do to loving you
tell me what can I do to meeting you
me and you
turn round and what can we do
me and you
I will love you
Oh, baby, baby, please don't go
I just wanna let you know
you are my lover never never end
so beauty you are how I can see
Oh, baby, baby, please don't go
I just wanna let you know
you are my lover never never end
so beauty you are how I can see
you're my everything
and need you to kown
I just can't waiting for the moment
and I love you so
you're my everything
but I need you to know
I will be giving you my promise
and I to do so
Oh, baby, baby, please don't go
I just want let you know
you are my lover never never end
so beautiful that how I can see......


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